Friday, January 4, 2008

Well I'm new to this blog thing and I just hit next "next blog".
Not for those under 18 or of humbler personalities! 
"koochie on the quick" is all I can say. Sorry if it conflicts w/ your senses.
 I'm trying to get it changed.
Anyway back to bicycles and stuff.
I'm gonna try out the TIG again tomorrow.
Still got some tubing to burn up that's too big to use for the length or too thick or too long or whatever. It's all bike sized but not the right size in one way or other, so that makes for perfect "test welds".
On another note, 
This Morning was SOOO clear a' skys!!!
I got to see Mars, off to the side of the morning moon!
I think it's towards the end of this month that it's gonna be the closest to Earth in another 20 or so years.
It was really bright, here in Houston, if my stuff is correct. 
Maybe it was Jupiter, or Venus, but whatever it was, was REALLY bright!
And I think it was Mars, 'cause that's what I heard.
Wanna fight about it?
Just kidding!(mars and all...)
I wish my neighbor would get back in town. I could stand to get her bike out-the-door and get my expenses for it and the cold 6er of shiner too!
Oh, well guess she's on vacation.

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